Spider-Man: Far From Home
Despite the fact that the only city in the film that actually got destroyed instead of CGI destroyed was London, I really enjoyed the film. (I just re-read that and if you haven’t seen the film you’re going to think the visual effects team literally destroyed London, and that is not at all the case. So if that first sentence didn’t make sense to you, stop reading and go and see the movie!)
This film must have felt like I did at school that time I had to follow the smartest kid in class with the best presentation with my ‘Can we just talk about how good the Hunger Games is?’ presentation. Honestly though, how does anyone follow Endgame?
Far From Home was a breath of fresh air after the devastation of Infinity War/Endgame. The writers did what everyone was hoping and brushed on the whole “what happened after the pre/post/current effects of the multiple snaps?” I personally would have liked to have found out a bit more about how the world coped with the weird age gaps that now exist between wives/husbands/children etc. I mean, people have missed 5 years of their children lives, thats quite a big deal. But we did get a short section about how it effected Peter Parker’s high school which was both hilarious and rewarding.
The film opened with a brilliant powerpoint presentation showing the Avengers we lost to the soundtrack of Whitney Houstons ‘I Will Always Love You’, which unsurprisingly included Captain America. He is either seen as ‘dead’ to the rest of the world or he would have just died anyway because he’s now like, really really old.
Unfortunately I already knew the twist that was coming regarding Mysterio after reading my Marvel Encyclopaedia before seeing the film (I know, more fool me, right?) but despite my prior knowledge, Mysterio’s big reveal was my favourite scene. It was so exciting to see Jake Gyllenhaal in a role like this after all the serious dramas we’ve seen him in in the past and I absolutely loved that evil smirk he gave the camera. As everyone in the audience was figuring out what was happening it was both terrifying and exciting to watch. Not to mention the inclusion of the flashback scenes from the earlier films which just worked perfectly. One thing I really do love about Marvel (other than everything) is that they put content in their films to please the fans but it’s not too overpowering, it’s enough to get the hardcore fans excited but without ruining the film for the newbies.
We’ve had so many different takes on Spider-Man and although Into The Spider-Verse is my favourite, the Tom Holland era works so well and he’s such a fantastic Peter Parker. His chemistry with Zandaya (MJ) is so believable and his friendship on and off screen with Jacob Batalon (Ned) resonates throughout the film.
I also need to approach those post-credit scenes, because lets be honest, if you’ve seen the Tobey Maguire films this was a very exciting moment. Not only is J K Simmons playing THE SAME CHARACTER that he did in those previous Spidey films, but we also now have confirmation that the Daily Bugle is going to feature. It was a mind blowing moment if I ever knew one.
And if that wasn’t enough, we learn that throughout this film Nick Fury was not Nick Fury at all but the shapeshifter skrull leader Keller who is featured heavily in the previous Marvel adventure, Captain Marvel. But what does this mean? How long has he been using Nick Fury’s appearance and why did Fury need a holiday so badly? How is this going to effect the rest of the MCU? Not to mention, Keller’s wife was sitting in place for Agent Maria Hill so where is she hiding?
They were fantastic post credit scenes and it’s details like this that make these films the roaring success that they are.
Spider-Man: Far From Home is a treat for the whole family and an absolute feast for Marvel fans. The only, tiny, minor disappointment was the fact that we have been completely teased with the chance of seeing the multiverse within the MCU because, I for one, was very excited to see how that was going to be executed. But we can’t win them all.
Far From Home is now storming through the box office in cinemas everywhere. Go and see it!