Good Boys
Jacob Tremblay, famous for being the boy locked in a shed with Bri Larson in the Oscar winning film Room, and recently announced to be embodying the lovably fish Flounder in the upcoming Disney re-make of The Little Mermaid, leads the cast in this brilliantly funny and totally self aware American comedy.
I was expecting Good Boys to be awful. I’m not a fan of American comedies as it is and generally speaking I’m too much of a prude to enjoy them and as Seth Rogan was the producer on this one I expected to have the same opinion as I do on the rest of his films. That being said, I thoroughly enjoyed this new take on the traditional concept of comedy.
It was jam packed with quips about their young age, lack of life experience and ignorance about the female sex that it made for a very clever script with brilliant delivery from the three young actors in the lead roles. I particularly enjoyed the use of time, the way the boys talked to each other as if they had grown up and moved on with their lives when in reality it had only been a month and they were still living in the same street as each other.
It’s a coming of age tale with comedic value that a lot of people will appreciate without stepping over the mark and making it uncomfortable to watch. There were times throughout that I was concerned we were going to see three 12 year old boys high on drugs, or having their first sexual encounter with older girls, but luckily the filmmakers thought better of this and avoided making the audience feel utterly grossed out.
With a great cameo from Stephen Merchant who thankfully did not turn out to be a total creep, Good Boys is just a really good laugh and ironically funny because the majority of the cast couldn’t even watch it themselves with its 15 rating. I would recommend it to anyone who doesn’t usually enjoy comedies but wants something slight more lighthearted.